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Showing posts from March, 2023


Ladies on the Frontline! You are the very one that the Lord has entrusted influence for positive growth and improvement. In the heart of every girl-child or lady is a trans-generational dream that must be birthed. Your worth is not in the wedding, sex, love or your body. Your worth is in your dream trapped in your heart. You are not meant for the back roll. You are meant to be at the Frontline of your passion and interest in life, fighting side by side with all the Men on the Frontline. If your success is not making live easier for the men on the Frontline, you are failing. There is a difference between success and low self-esteem. If you have to pull down your fellow lady to succeed, you have low self-esteem. If you have to disadvantage a man to succeed, you have a low self-esteem. If you have to bury your dream for any reason, you have low self-esteem. This is not the will of God for your life. Every lady is a queen. You don't need to compete with your fellow lady or men. You are...