Ladies on the Frontline: The greatest asset in every lady in not your beauty but the capacity of your dream and being solution oriented in every situation that confronts you. Being single is not an excuse. Do not pause your life and dream waiting for dating or marriage to permit you into embracing, preparing and deploying of your dream. You are a lady yet a CEO. Within you is a dream or vision that must be birthed. You are a solution personified being and not just marriage personified being. Invest in your prayer life. Invest in your financial capacity. Invest in your attitude. Invest in your manner of approach. Invest in your choice of words. Invest in your creativity. Invest in your talent. You matter. Your voice counts. Your idea counts. Your impact is needed. Your gender as a lady is not a disadvantage but an opportunity. You are a lady on the Frontline. God has created you as a lady to birth and nurture a vision or dream first before you even start dating. We are waiting for your ...